Welcome! I aM A priest of the Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon. This website is intended to be a vehicle to offer myself in service of the gospel. PLEASE FEEL FREE LOOK AROUND. Let me know if you have any questions or thoughts you'd like to share. -Fr. William Holtzinger
Friday Reflection
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The Eagle Nebula (M16), 6.5K light-years away, 7 hrs of acquisition, RASA 8 telescope, ASI2600MC camera
Hey everybody! I’m able to see the aurora borealis from #Beaverton, Oregon. This is a metro area with very bright guys where we can barely see the stars, and yet the #aurora is visible here. 
Many have asked me, but I won’t be traveling to any locations for Monday’s total solar eclipse. However, I was in full view of such an event in 2017 at the Oregon star party. It was magnificent and awe-inspiring! Here’s a few of the photos I took.
From my location close to Portland, OR, the Sun will be eclipsed only by 22%. It will begin for us at 10:33:40 AM and be at its most eclipsed (22%) at 11:25:32, and then it all ends at 12:19:18 PM.
Are you heading out to watch the eclipse in the locations where it will be in totality?
Lion Nebula (SH 132) - It's located ~10.4K light-years away. This is 122 five min. images for a total of 10 hrs of integration. It was taken on a RASA 8 with ASI 2600MC Pro camera+IDAS - NBZ Dual-band filter and processed with PixInsight + Photoshop
For whatever reason, Snickers seems to prefer only half of his bed. Go figure. Does your dog so the same?
Lagoon Nebula (M8 or NGC6523), 4k-6k light-years distant, 123 one min. exposures (2 hrs. 3 min. total integration), RASA 8, #asi183mcpro, #asiairplus, Taken at the 2023 #oregonstarparty
Busy nebulous region near Cygnus - NGC 6883 and WR 134 - 29 five min. exposures (2 hrs. 25 min. total integration), RASA 8, ASI 2600 MC Pro, IDAS NBZ Nebula Booster UHS, ASI Air Plus, taken during the 2023 Oregon Star Party. #oregonstarparty #zwo #asiairplus
Helix Nebula "Eye of God" (NGC 7293), 650 light-years distant, 68 two min. exposures (2 hrs total integration), #RASA8, #ASI183MCPro, #idasnbzuhs, Taken during the 2023 #oregonstarparty
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