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FBP 894 - Leading With Love

FBP 894 - Leading With Love

Episode 894 (12:05)

Preacher: Dcn. Brett Edmonson

In this episode: Steps for loving confrontation:

1. Reconciliation (Are we trying to win and humiliate or seek reconciliation?) Questions to ask prior to confronting someone: Is what I am about to say a. true, b. kind, and c. at this moment helpful?

2. A willingness to seek out the lost. No brooding or nursing of grudges; Seek them out where they are and not where they should be. Lead with love. Do not ignore the truth, but show care for them first before our need to be right. We need to be willing to listen and be open to things we don’t know or even wrong about.

There is a perception from non-believer-young- adults (according to a survey mentioned by Fr. Mike Scmidtz): Judgemental, bigoted, elitist, and hypocritical.

Homework: With whom am I at odds? Consider approaching the other using the guidance just offered to seek out reconciliation.

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