Viewing entries tagged
Vatican Observatory

The Heavens Declare The Glory Of God

The Heavens Declare The Glory Of God

Dear Parishioners,

The “Great American Eclipse,” as some are calling it, is almost upon us.  Here’s some data to help you observe the eclipse from our area:

    9:03 AM - The beginning moment of the eclipse
   10:16 AM - The maximum eclipse.  
11:36 AM. The end moment of the eclipse

Since we are not located in the “path of totality,” meaning that we will not see a total eclipse, but rather a partial eclipse (94%), at no time should anyone look directly at the sun.  So, as a basic public service, we are making available certified solar glasses at the end of the Masses so you can enjoy the beauty of God’s creation.  The event as a whole will last, roughly, two-and-a-half hours. So, there will be plenty of time to observe.

Okay, so one might ask, what’s all the hype about? Simply, the beauty of creation, particularly the heavens, declare the glory of God (Ps. 19:2).  Did you know that the Church has been engaged in science since its earliest developments, and indeed, is responsible for the very scientific method we all use? Astronomy, in particular, has been of particular interest to the Church in order to know the seasons of the year and liturgical events like Easter. The Vatican opened its first observatory in 1891, placing it among the oldest astronomical institutes in the world ( 

In the Scriptures, “celestial” events have been signs of the works and presence of God.  Some Christians and non-Christians have chosen only to focus on the foreboding events such as the eclipse that occurred at the crucifixion. But, as Catholics, we also recognize that the beauty of the created world gives us a foreshadowing of heaven and a glimpse about the works of God. This weekend’s reading from 1 Kings 19:9A, 11-13A , is instructional. In the text, we can hear that God and nature are not the same thing, as a pantheist would propose. Instead, we heard how nature reflects something about God. In this week’s reading, we heard about Elijah encountered God. The LORD was not in the wind, earthquake, nor fire, three common elements as understood by antiquity. Yet, these events signaled the LORD’s coming presence.  In the end, Elijah experienced God speaking in a tiny whispering sound.  Elsewhere in the Scriptures, God was understood to be announced by the sun in Matthew 17: 2 and clouds covering the tent and filling the tabernacle during the Israelites journey in the desert in Exodus 40:34.  The power of God to forgive sin metaphorically is described via an eclipse in Sirach 17:31.  Encouragement to have no “fear of the signs in the heavens” can be found in Jeremiah 10:2.  The stars served as a sign of promise to Abraham in Genesis 15:5, and my favorite Psalm 19:2 solemnly says, “The heavens declare the glory of God.”

The eclipse that will fall across the United States on Aug. 21st is an amazing event for many reasons.  Primarily for the general public, we will admire it for its sheer beauty.  An eclipse is relatively unusual to the common person, though they happen every year somewhere on Earth. The phenomena surrounding an eclipse (darkness, crescent shadowing under trees, and birds trying to settle in for rest) remind us about the role the the sun and moon have in experience of life on Earth.  For those inclined to things geeky, how amazing it is that the relative sizes and distances of both the moon and sun relative to the Earth are such that the moon can completely block the sun so that people can experience the beauty of a total eclipse. If the moon was any closer or father away, we would not experience a total eclipse. As it turns out, the Moon is slowly moving away from the Earth. So eventually, the moon will be far enough away such that total eclipses will no longer happen.  How amazing that we are alive at a very particular time in the history of Earth that we can observe total solar eclipses.  God’s a pretty good planner, eh?

Finally, as a ministry to our community of faith, I have arranged the purchase of hundreds of solar glasses to be given away for free after the Masses this weekend (as supplies last) [REVISION: The shipment did not arrive in time for this weekend. But, it is scheduled for Monday and so we will have the solar glasses available for next weekend's Masses.]  Please enjoy the eclipse in safety.  While viewing, remember how awesome our God is.  May this event be an opportunity to lift up our hearts in praise of the LORD’s handiwork.  

Here’s a website to visit to learn more:


Fr. William Holtzinger

Faith And Astronomy

Faith And Astronomy

Dear Parishioners,

From Aug. 11-16, hundreds of geeks and their telescopes will once again descend on Indian Trail Spring in the Ochoco National Forest. I, too, make an effort to join the crowd of stargazers to peer into the night sky until sleep comes upon me or the sun rises in the early morning. This is called the Oregon Star Party.

Why do I do this? Great Question. It is similar to why does the Church spend any time on astronomy in the first place. You might be asking, the Church is involved with astronomy? And the answer is, absolutely! In fact, the Church has two professional observatories, on in Rome and another near Tuscan, AZ. We study to heavens to understand how the heavens go. We study the sky to know more about our place in the cosmos which science is excellent at discovering. We study the heavens to understand more deeply who God is and what he has created. For me, peering through my telescope helps me to more deeply comprehend how small I am and how therefore more great is God's love for me. The following video helps greatly in understanding why the Church is involved in astronomy.

Through my telescope I have been able to see hundreds of galaxies as well as nebula, and all the planets, even the dwarf planet, Pluto. In my desire to become more involved and support the Church's efforts in this regard, I have joined the Vatican Observatory Foundation and attended a workshop for priests and educators by the VOF. I am reminded that in the Scriptures is says, "The heavens declare the glory of God; the firmament proclaims the works of his hands (Ps. 19:2).  So, astronomy gives me another avenue to praise God.

Attending the Oregon Star Party also gives me a chance to share the faith amidst a crowd, may of whom are skeptics at best. I have encountered many faith-filled people and I enjoy encouraging them in their faith and hobby of astronomy. Please say a prayer for all who come that they may recover the awe that we all once had and be lifted up in their hearts and mind as well as in their faith.


Fr. William Holtzinger


Vatican Observatory Foundation Hosts Clergy and Educators

Dear Parishioners,

Last summer, an invitation went out to the dioceses of the United States to join the Vatican Observatory Foundation for a five day workshop on faith and astronomy for priests and Catholic educators.  This was their first time offering such a workshop.  Among the 60 clergy applied, 25 were accepted, including myself.  As a amateur astronomer, this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.  So in late January, I packed my bags and headed to Tucson, AZ.  That’s right, Tucson, not the Vatican.

The Vatican Observatory actually has two large observatories, one at Castel Gandolfo and the other on Mt. Graham near Tucson, AZ.  As it turns out, the mountains near Tucson have some of the best skies in the country for astronomy, thus there are many observatories near by, Kitt Peak National Observatory being the most famous.  Now, the immediate question arises, “Why does the Church have an observatory, let alone two?”  Originally, the Vatican Observatory was founded to help Pope Gregory XII reform the calendar which occurred in 1582. Since the 1930’s, the Jesuits have been given the stewardship of the two current observatory.  The goal of the Vatican Observatory is simply to do great astronomy in harmony with our faith.  To understand the heavens is to come to understand something about our creator.

The Faith and Astronomy Workshop (FAW) included mostly priests, but also deacons and lay teachers. Participants were from all over the United States.  We were led by Br. Guy Consolmagno, S.J., astronomer, author, researcher, former Vatican Observatory Curator of meteorites, planetary scientist, new President of the Vatican Observatory Foundation, and recent winner of the Carl Sagan Medal for Excellence in Public Communication in Planetary Science.  

Each day consisted of a talk by a scientist followed by lively discussions, lunch, and then a trip to a local lab working on an astronomical project. Then we would return to the Redemptorist Renewal Center where we were based for Mass, dinner, and an evening of star gazing through various telescopes.  The labs we visited were working on various satellite missions.  One created a special camera for a satellite currently orbiting Mars and taking optical surveys.  Another group was in the process of designing a space vehicle(called OSIRI-REX) that will be launched toward the asteroid “Bennu,” land on it, and bring back samples.  We also visited the University of Arizona’s Steward Observatory Mirror Lab who is currently building the mirrors for the soon-to-be constructed Magellan Telescope.  Due to the distance and snow in the mountains, we did not get the opportunity to visit the actual location of the Vatican Observatory nor any other observatories.

The lectures topics we heard included methods on teaching the constellations to children as well as the philosophy of science in an age of “new atheists.”  Br. Guy gave a talk on the current issue of physics, metaphysics, and cosmology.  A caution he offered revolved around common arguments that involved what he called “the God of the gaps,” whereby we ascribe to God all things in science that we do not yet understand.  The issue is that once we do understand those natural processes, then what does that say about God?  Br. Guy reminded us that we are not Deists who believe in a God who created everything and then backed off to watch everything unfold like a divine watchmaker.  Furthermore, God is not a natural phenomena or power akin to gravity.  God is totally holy, completely other, separate from creation, and supernatural.  Therefore, any attempts to prove the existence of God by scientific means is doomed to fail, for physics cannot and is not meant to make such an explanation. From the earliest times, we have believed that God is supernatural and outside of creation, yet intimately involved in the events of creation and, in particular, involved with us.  So, any perceived conflicts between faith and science are simply erroneous perceptions.  Both faith and science have the same goal: the Truth.  And since God is real, can be known, created all the laws of the cosmos, and is completely consistent within himself, there can be no contradictions or conflicts between faith and science.  Indeed, they collaborate in the search for the Truth.  One asks how to things happen (physics and astronomy) and the other asks from whom they exist and what meaning do they have (theology and philosophy).

The Faith and Astronomy Workshop, hosted by the Vatican Observatory Foundation, will be held again, beginning on January 16, 2016.  We need to encourage more clergy and Catholic educators to take advantage of this new opportunity being offered by our Church.  We, as Catholics, need to truly understand the theological, philosophical, and scientific fields being discussed in today’s culture.  We need to enter into the cultural debate and help assist in the quest for the Truth. After all, as the now long canceled TV show The X-Files would say, “the truth is out there.”  We Catholics simply need to encourage more of the faithful to take up physics, astronomy, as well as theology and philosophy.

For a astronomy geek like me, it was an amazing experience.  I look forward to sharing the work of the Vatican Observatory in my preaching and other public speaking opportunities.  It was truly a thrill to be able to meet Catholics doing serious astronomy and spend time with clergy and laity who are as passionate about this science as I am.

For more information, go to and