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Growing In Our Faith

Dear Parishioners,

Catholicism 101
As part of the Year of Faith, we have been showing Robert Barron’s “Catholicism” DVD series at our monthly Catholicism 101 classes. It has been wonderful to watch. The quality of production and clarity of teaching as well as the inspirational style in which the faith is presented is fantastic. If you haven’t been to one, I want to encourage you to do so. This past Sunday we showed the seventh episode in the series entitled, “The Mystery of the Liturgy and the Eucharist.” Ah! The Eucharist. It is the source and summit of our faith! It is the center of our Catholic lives! Do I sound excited? I am! I was very impressed how well he explained the Mass, how the program illustrated the various cultural situations in which the Mass is offered, and the fundamental theologies of our mysterious liturgy. It reminded me of how much I love our liturgy and why I am a priest. If you have been wondering or feeling that your experience of your faith has been lacking or luke-warm, then make an effort to come to these presentations. There are only ten in the series, and we are almost done. But, we may very well show them again, but in a more intense weekly format for those who so desire. Keep your eyes peeled to the bulletin for that development.

Turn out for the presentations has been good, so come early if you want a front row seat. There’s plenty of room in the Parish Center Sky Room, so no worries. Mark your calendars for the next presentation on March 3rd on the Communion of Saints.

Theology of the Body for Teens
On another note, this Sunday evening I will begin a five week series at our High School Youth Nights on Blessed Pope John Paul II’s “Theology of the Body.” With all the things that our teens have to grapple with, the meaning of their bodies and sexuality, in particular, are often bewildering to them. Yet, the late Holy Father spent 129 Wednesday Audiences from 1979 to 1984 speaking about the meaning, the theology, of the body. In essence, his reflections, when written down, make up two-thirds of the Church’s teaching on sex and marriage! Please pray for me and the teens. Pray that I, along with the Core Team of adults, may be able to empower and lift up our teens to know the true meaning of their bodies, to recapture the meaning of marriage, and to empower them to live chaste lives of faith as sexual persons. Pray for the teens that they will be open to our presentations and the Holy Spirit in their lives prompting them to follow the way of Christ’s love and not the counterfeit of the world.


Fr. William Holtzinger