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Thanksgiving, Repentance, and Prayer

Thanksgiving, Repentance, and Prayer

Dear Parishioners,


I hope this letter finds you amidst the joys and peace of being with family and/or friends on this Thanksgiving Day weekend. If you find yourself suffering from “Tryptophan poisoning” induced by your Thanksgiving Day turkey dinner, then rest assured, you are not alone. I may end up asleep watching football, a tradition that I like to participate in on this day of gratitude. Seriously, It is wonderful that our country has enshrined a day for us to be mindful of all the amazing things we have in our lives here in the U.S. Maybe we could all offer a prayer that we would be open to an attitude of gratitude in the days that follow and well into the new year.


This weekend also begins our preparatory season of Advent. In this season we are being encouraged by the Church to prepare our hearts not only for the celebration of the first Advent of Christ (Christmas), but also for the Second Advent of Christ (The End Time). Both events call us to be people of repentance. We see this in the color of purple amidst our environment as well as an encouragement to participate in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Fr. Stephen and I will be making confessions more available by offering a daytime block during one of the weekdays of Advent (date to be announced) as well as adding an hour to our Saturday confession times. So, that means we will begin hearing confessions in the church on the Saturdays of Advent an hour earlier than normal: 2:30 PM instead of 3:30 PM (Dec. 4, 11, 18).


Beginning on the First Sunday in Advent (Nov. 28), our Parish Leadership Team (PLT) will begin offering time to be prayed with at St. Anne after the 11 AM Mass each Sunday. This will be a new outreach to our parishioners and anyone else who attends the 11 AM Mass to know that God desires to comfort us, help us, and lift us up. Our Team, myself, Fr. Stephen Kenyon, Sandra Lopez, Kathy Nelson, and Bill Bailey, will be available to you for such prayer. All they will ask is your name and what you would like them to pray about. They may ask if they can put their hand on your shoulder in order to help you feel the comfort of your loving family here at St. Anne. This is certainly a new approach of outreach out to our community, so too it is for our PLT. Please keep the PLT in your prayers, as we continue to discern our own role as parish leaders following the promptings of the Holy Spirit. In time, we hope this may expand to the other Masses on the weekend.

I am so thankful for the communities of St. Anne, Our Lady of the River, and St. Patrick of the Forest. Let us be ever mindful of the gifts that God has given us, ever aware that our Lord’s return gets closer each day, and respond as stewards, giving of our time, talent, and treasure.


Fr. William Holtzinger