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Lent's Almost Here. What's Your Plan?

Lent's Almost Here. What's Your Plan?

Dear Parishioners,

Lent will be here this Wednesday with the celebration of Ash Wednesday. As we approach Lent, a common question is, “What are you giving up for Lent?” This is a good question and fits well in the spirituality of detachment from anything that distracts you from keeping God first in one’s life. We all have some hang ups or bad habits or a disordered desires, even more serious issues with sin. Ash Wednesday is a sober reminder of where we have come from and where we will return: ashes. Of course, this is the story of our earthy bodies. But in between the beginning and end of our lives, what we do makes all the difference for eternity. So what are you giving up? Think on this. Pray about this. Ask God what you need to remove so that he can become more central in your life. While you are at it, also ask God what you need to add. Sometimes removing dark parts of our lives invites and is re-filled with another darknesses. So, instead of just stop overeating, smoking, swearing, being rude, being divisive, being uncharitable, add something that is directly related in a positive sense. For example, consider exercising, offering life-giving words to others, committing to a prayertime, joining a Lenten faith sharing group, being neighborly to someone around you, trying to see the other side of an issue in order to understand the person holding that issue, working for the common good, attending daily Mass, and more. I hope you get the idea. It’s akin to what some theologians have called, fast and feast, during Lent. Hopefully, these new ways of being will become your new normal going forward, and by doing so, God will become, all the more, central in your life. Have a blessed Lent.


Fr. William Holtzinger

Lenten Season Coming

Lenten Season Coming

Dear Parishioners,

Lent begins next week, Wednesday, March 6th. As usual, we have our three Masses we offer on that day. We have Mass at 8:30 AM with our school, a 12:05 PM Mass timed for our folks on a lunch breaks, and we have our 7 PM bilingual Mass for the whole church whether they speak English or Spanish.  And that is the start. There is much happening in which you can participate. Here are the basics:

  • Friday Simple Suppers - these will begin at 5 PM and conclude at 6:30 PM

  • Friday Stations of the Cross - These will begin at 6:30 PM in the church. See schedule in the bulletin

  • Rite of Election- The Archbishop will be with us on the following Satuday, March 9th. This is not a Mass, but a Liturgy of the Word with a rite of special recognition for those who are journeying through the RCIA and desire to become fully initiation Catholics.

  • Small Lenten Groups - see bulletin or office for detail

  • FORMED Lenten Resources - Check out the Lenten online

  • Kiosk - Special books and CD’s have been rotated in with enrichment for Lent

Fast and Feast - This idea for Lent speaks of a creative mix of fasting or abstaining from things that are not good for you or others. Another approach is to add something which will deepen and strengthen your faith.  Here’s some ideas from the author and minister, William Arthur.

Fast from judging others; Fast from hostility;
Feast on the Christ indwelling them. Feast on non-resistance.

Fast from emphasis on differences; Fast from bitterness;
Feast on the unity of all life. Feast on forgiveness.

Fast from apparent darkness; Fast from self-concern;
Feast on the reality of light. Feast on compassion for others.

Fast from thoughts of illness; Fast from discouragement;
Feast on the healing power of God. Feast on hope.

Fast from words that pollute; Fast from suspicion;
Feast on phrases that purify. Feast on truth

Fast from discontent; Fast from idle gossip;
Feast on gratitude. Feast on purposeful silence.

Fast from anger; Fast from unrelenting pressures;
Feast on patience. Feast on unceasing prayer


Fr. William Holtzinger