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Agnus Dei

Liturgical Change, Pt. 1

Liturgical Change, Pt. 1

Dear Parishioners,

As expected, some liturgical changes will be coming in order to help the faithful more reverently participate in the celebration of the Eucharist. Below is the text from the Office of Divine Worship which explains one specific change regarding kneeling:

Beginning on the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ this year, Archbishop Sample has determined that during the celebration of Holy Mass, after the Lamb of God, the faithful will kneel.

The current General Instruction of the Roman Missal (GIRM) states under the section regarding Movement and Postures that: “The faithful kneel after the Agnus Dei unless the diocesan Bishop determines otherwise.” [43]  Previously, the Archdiocese had instructed that the faithful remain standing after the Lamb of God.  [The General Instruction on the Roman Missal, 2000 Revisions and Adaptations for the Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon.]

Archbishop Sample has determined that a more reverent celebration of the Eucharist will be aided by a change in this posture.  Kneeling is a posture of adoration and has been part of the Communion Rite for many centuries.  By kneeling after the Lamb of God, the faithful prepare for the moment in which the priest presents to them the Sacrificed Lamb [Ecce Agnus Dei – Behold the Lamb of God].  This posture of adoration is most appropriate before the reception of Holy Communion.

After the Lamb of God the faithful should remain kneeling until they move from their place to receive Holy Communion.  The tradition of remaining kneeling after the reception of Holy Communion until the priest has returned to his seat is to be commended.

Those who cannot kneel due to infirmity or other impediment should be seated so as to not impede the view of those who kneel.

This change will unite us with the Universal Church, the majority of the Dioceses in the United States and indeed the other diocese in the State of Oregon.  More importantly, Archbishop Sample believes it will enhance the reverent participation of the faithful at Holy Mass and increase their devotion to the Holy Eucharist.

This change will take effect beginning at all Masses of The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, 3 June 2018.

Upon receiving this letter, I contacted the Office of Divine Worship and spoke to Msgr. Gerard O’Connor regarding our specific situation at St. Anne and our reality of offering Mass in the Parish Center Sky Room.  I told him that we have been standing all through the Eucharistic Prayer due to our lack of kneelers and space.  He reaffirmed that we had been doing the appropriate liturgical response for our situation, and upon asking advice, he said that we should continue doing what we have already been doing until we move into our new church which will have pews with kneelers. So, please note that the above liturgical change won’t take place for St. Anne until September 1st when we have our Mass to dedicate our church. Both missions of St. Patrick of the Forest and Our Lady of the River have normal liturgical situations and are to follow the new norms beginning June 3rd, as prescribed in the communication from the Office of Divine Worship, above. 


Fr. William Holtzinger