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Vacations & Commitments


Dear Parishioners,

This month of June marks the beginning of summer vacations. It also marks the time for me to remind us all not to take a vacation from our faith. Many of us will be traveling to some wonderful and sometimes remote places. God’s earth is a cathedral of sorts which proclaims his glory. I, too, will take my annual trip to the Oregon Star Party in August. I want to encourage you to make good plans. We’ve all forgotten something from underwear, to towels, to specific foods, to even important medications. This causes stress for what should be a time of relaxation and recreation. But, let us not forget our faith.

First, before you leave, check our website ( which has always had a place on the left of the page to find churches near your destination and between as well as their Mass times. Just type in the name of the city or zip code, and you will be given several options for Mass. Write down or print out that information and take it with you. Of course, if you have a smart phone, you can do this on the fly. This is where technology is awesome! As a child, a great lesson my parents taught me was that camping was optional, Mass was not. Although it was a real sacrifice to drive back into town from a remote location while camping, my parents did it. At the time, I wish they would have not taken out my Sunday play time on the beach, lake, forest, etc. But, it did instill in me the importance and sacredness of our faith and, in particular, the Mass. I am very grateful today for their example. As a young adult and now adult, I found that going to Mass in a foreign place brought me home no matter where I was. The Mass was, essentially, the same everywhere I went. It brought me peace and a sense of groundedness amidst the strange and unfamiliar sites of my vacations.

Another way not to forget one’s faith while on vacation is to continue one's financial commitment to the home parish. Every parish experiences serious financial dips during the summer due to people not making their offering, because of vacations. Yet, we all have to pay our bills. Some of our bills are lower and others are higher simply due to the season.

must, of course, continue to pay our employees who minister all year around. There are several ways to be faithful to one’s commitment. I’ll list them from less ideal to the most ideal way.


  • Make up what wasn’t offered upon return from vacation.
  • Offer one’s giving prior to leaving which includes the time away.
  • Set up an automatic electronic payment system using what is called Automatic Clearing House (ACH). This, by the way, is the most secure way to give to the church.
  • The ACH method is very flexible, timely, and secure.

All we need is a voided check and your signature for permission to make the funds transfer. Using ACH is very secure, for it does not create a check which could be intercepted in the mail or somehow mishandled in a myriad of ways, but rather makes a direct exchange from one bank to another bank. Any parishioner can determine if they want their offering to happen on a weekly or monthly basis. One can change their giving amount and or cancel the process at any time with a simple phone call to our business manager, Stephen Voehl. I use this method, and it gives me satisfaction and peace to know that I am giving what I promised and it happens automatically, especially when I am on vacation.

So, please enjoy your vacations! We all need to take a break and to rest. It is part of living out God’s commandments to rest. Within that rest, we are to keep our lives focused on God. So, please do not miss Mass. As much as is possible, arrange your vacations to seek out the beauty and uniqueness of other Catholic parishes. They will inspire you either in what those communities do or in what we do. Either way it is a win- win. Regarding keeping your financial commitment, seek out Stephen Voehl or me for more information about ACH. 
Finally, may God be with you on your travels. May he guard and guide you with his angels. May your summer vacations be full of life, love, and adventure!



Fr. William Holtzinger


Summer Preparations

Dear Parishioners,

No doubt about two things: School is out and summer weather has finally arrived. Praise God! I hope you have some wonderful plans to go on vacation. I, too, have been making my own plans for camping and my annual trek to the Oregon Star Party. What plans do you have? Are going on a trip somewhere? Maybe you have a special stay-cation planned (that is a vacation without traveling afar). I would be very curious to hear about you adventures when you return. Such sharing enlivens each other’s spirits and reminds us of the beauty of God’s creation. During your vacation I hope you make plans to remember your faith. That means finding the nearest Catholic Church while traveling and making every effort to keep Sunday holy by going to Mass. Last year folks brought back bulletins from the variety of parishes they visited which, in turn, helped us do some updating of our own bulletin. It also gave us some ideas for ministries and other activities. So, please share your experiences.

While you are gone, be mindful that our bills still come in, and we are dependent on your financial stewardship throughout the year whether on vacation or not. One way to make sure that your financial commitment to St. Anne’s is constant is to sign up for automatic electronic payments through what banks call ACH (Automatic Clearing House). Contact Alan Crews for more information. That is how I make sure my commitment is met. Other people have made plans to mail their envelopes while away or even turned them in early before they left.

I pray that all your travels are joy-filled and safe. I pray that God will recreate in you a new heart and refreshed mind. I pray that you enjoy the weather, but don’t get sunburned (I recommend SPS 50 for anyone who is curious). And don’t forget to share your experiences with those you love.


Fr. William Holtzinger