Rummage Sale
This past weekend, the parish, under the leadership of Becky Pettit and her cochair, Floralee Stadelman, opened our parish hall and let in the wider community for our Rummage Sale. It was a big hit. Thank you ladies! First and foremost, it was another opportunity for us to put forth our mission of welcoming others. I believe that the environment was indeed friendly. People felt comfortable coming in and all seemed to leave with a smile, hopefully finding a great deal on an item for which they had been searching for a long time. It was also a financial success. The money raised has been designated to assist in paying our bills associated with being part of the Committee of Parishes. This committee serves as the voice of our parish, as well as 76 other parishes, in the bankruptcy proceedings. A BIG THANK YOU needs to go to all the volunteers who prepped, staffed, and cleaned up the event. A thank you also needs to go to Angela Jones who graciously let us store many of the donated items until the actual event. Please know that some items of clothing were put aside and designated to be given to charities. Near the very end of the sale, the remaining items were combed through by local charities who were given a free reign to take anything they thought useful. Finally, those things that were not sold or taken by charities were given to the Goodwill.

New Schedule & Kickoff
I must say that our new 9:30 am Mass was vibrant and full of life. From my personal point of view, the responses within the Mass felt more alive as there were more people, thus more energy being brought out in the acclamations. Bravo!
The kickoff to coffee and donuts was also a huge success! I don’t know when as many people have come over for food and fellowship after Mass. It just felt, pardon the repetition, alive! The Pastoral Council came early and did a great job with the balloons, tables, and food. The wonderful balloon arches were made by Claudia Bermejo and her friends. Lani Vandehey was especially busy and did her best to offer a variety of drinks other than our standard coffee and juice. She also cut up countless fruits to offer instead of just donuts.

Parish Picnic
The weather couldn’t have been any more perfect! It was ideal. Thank you to Pete VanDyke for the smoker-bar-b-que’s as well as Ed Stadelman for arranging for the electrical. The balloon arcs were moved over to the park which made an especially festive feeling about the event. Moving tables to the park seemed to go smoothly as well. Fun, food, and fellowship seems to have been had by all.

This past weekend was full of activity. While frenetic and exhausting for many, I believe that these events will be moments for all to treasure. I know I already do. I am so proud to be part of such a warm and friendly parish. God bless all of you who helped make it all happen. Most of all, all praise and glory must be given to our Lord who made it all possible.

Fr. William Holtzinger