Ministry Fair
Dear Parishioners,
Last Sunday we held our first Ministry Fair. Not knowing how it would go, I was so delighted to hear that over 40 ministries signed up and showed up! Yes! I think it is fair (no pun intended) to say that it was a huge success! It was intended to highlight/celebrate the ministries of our parish as well as offer opportunities for parishioners to get more involved in their faith life. Tertiarily, some of the ministries were able to raise some funds to help their activities. There was yummy food, games and wonderful opportunities to just be together in fellowship. The weather even cooperated! Thanks, God! I want to thank the two main organizers: Sandra Lopez and Paul Wilson. Thank you both so much! I hope that the fair inspired you all to give praise and glory to God for all that he is doing in our community.
May God bless you all,
Fr. William Holtzinger