Our Lady of Guadalupe
Dear Parishioners,
In a small town in Mexico in the year 1531, a newly converted Christian peasant man, named Juan Diego, was walking from his village in the area we now know as Mexico City, when he was met by an apparition of a woman surrounded in light. She appeared to be a teenager and spoke his native language. She asked him to go to the archbishop with the instructions to build a church on that very site. The archbishop, Juan de Zumárraga, told Juan to return to the woman and ask for a sign that would prove that the vision was real. Juan Diego as he was asked. The Lady appeared to him again upon his return and instructed him to pick some roses that were nearby (The roses shouldn’t have been in bloom nor were they native to that area). Juan Diego returned to the archbishop with these roses tucked neatly in his tilma (think poncho). Upon returning to the archbishop and unfurling his tilma with the roses, a miraculous image of the Lady had been imprinted on the tilma. This tilma, which should have deteriorated long ago is still on display at the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
The official date for this celebration is December 12. Please make sure to review the flyer in today’s bulletin for our calendar of events surrounding the celebration of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Most everything will be bilingual. I hope to see you at any or all of the events surrounding this important festival which has a special place for our Hispanic parishioners.
Fr. William Holtzinger